At one month he's starting to focus in on objects a little better and is now interested in/concerned about some of his toys as you can see below. He's also making a bigger variety of sounds now instead of just crying- some contented sighs when he finishes eating and panicked grunting when he knows he's about to eat. Palmer is looking at our faces more and likes listening to his musical giraffe while he gets his diaper changed. We can't wait for a real smile!
We swaddle him at night and to calm him down during the day if he needs it- has anybody has read Happiest Baby on the Block? I am a believer. The 5 S's work wonders! That book got us to start using a white noise machine that was a gift from my brother and his girlfriend and I really do think it helps him stay asleep longer! If you're pregnant or know someone who is, I highly recommend the book. It gives you some really logical, practical ways to stop your baby's crying and to help them sleep for the first few months when they're too little for "sleep training".
Something that was surprisingly easy this month was getting Palmer to take some breast milk out of a bottle. My breastfeeding class instructor recommended starting around 3 weeks to get them used to it if you plan on going back to work, so every few days I'll pump a 1/2 oz to 1 oz and have Tyler give it to him in between feedings (so he's not too full or desperately hungry). It takes Palmer a couple minutes to figure it out each time but we haven't had any problems with him rejecting the bottle at all. Yay! I'm a little hesitant to give him a bottle more often than this though since I really don't want to mess up how well he's doing with breastfeeding.
Wow, I had a ton of time to post with Tyler and Palmer taking a nap in the living room :) LOVE the weekends!