Saturday, August 28, 2010

19 weeks!!!

6 days til the big ultrasound! It's actually come up pretty quickly considering I'm so antsy to know girl or boy. We started school last week and lots of my students have been asking me what I'm having (along with the grocery store cashier today. . . who I thought was asking what I was having for dinner). It's fun to be back in the swing of things but also challenging to be standing a lot of the day. I've seen several students from last year who've heard the news and have come by to scream at me so that's been fun to see their excitement!
One thing I'm not ashamed to do is snack during class so I've been eating often during the day. Something nice about my schedule this year is that since I have 3rd period conference I can take my time eating lunch :) Here is a 19 week picture- I took it a little later in the day than I usually do though so we'll see if it screws up the size progression to next week.

We're having a little get together of immediate family next weekend to make the boy/girl announcement and I'm excited to have everybody over for dinner and the surprise! (Plus the excuse to have cake)

18 week picture

Saturday, August 14, 2010

17 week update

I'm ready to be 20 weeks already! Three weeks from yesterday we'll find out the sex of the baby. I bought some baskets at Michael's to put under the changing table or in the cube dresser we have and I'm ready to fill them when some clothes or bibs or something! I said goodbye to my summer yesterday, so now it's just a Saturday and Sunday in between me and the start of the school year- WOW. I am ready to get started because the sooner school gets going, the sooner we find out if it's a boy or girl!

We have a LOT of stuff for the baby already, which is good because once school starts I have a little less time to shop and browse online. Tyler's mom, grandma, and my parents have generously bought us some nursery furniture and a carseat/stroller set that I'll post pictures of soon. One thing I bought for myself (which may sound pathetic and cheesy) was a fetal heart monitor that you can use to hear the baby's heartbeat other than at doctors appointments. It was cheap and got good reviews so I went ahead and ordered it last week. It works like a charm! I'm going to try and post an audio clip on here if I can so y'all can hear too.

I don't think there has really been a difference in my belly size this past week so I'll wait until next Saturday to post a new picture.

Friday, August 6, 2010

tie dye!

A few weeks ago, I went down to the lakehouse in Corsicana with my mom, grandma, aunts, and a few cousins. My Aunt Becky surprised me with a pack of white 3-6 mo. onesies to tie dye for the baby! Everyone dyed a few shirts that weekend, but here are the ones I got to take home. (the one on the left is a shirt for me. . . which I wear. . . a lot.)

Some may have to be set aside for the next baby depending on if this one is a boy or a girl but I think they're all really cute!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

15 1/2 week appointment

I think it took longer for us to drive to the doctor today than my actual appointment was! Basically all the she did was ask how I'm doing, answer a couple of questions, and use the doppler to find the heartbeat again. This time (unlike a month ago), the minute she put the sensor on my stomach we could hear the heartbeat loud and clear, so that was reassuring and fun to hear! I think she said it was 152 bpm today, compared to 160 bpm before and that it will keep getting lower each appointment as the baby grows.

Now it's time to start the countdown 'til we know the sex of the baby! The 20 week ultrasound is scheduled for September 3rd at 9 am. . . but we might keep it a secret just a little longer so we can tell our families all at once!