Russell's coos and giggles are just the sweetest and it is so easy to get a smile from this baby! He enjoys a warm bath, who doesn't?, naps with mommy and daddy, and standing on your lap so he can see the world.
Little guy can sit in the bumbo now, but his cloth diaper makes his butt so big he isn't too stable! A disposable diaper or one of his trimmer fitting prefolds lets him settle down in the seat more and he can sit like that for a few minutes!
Russell wants eeeevvvverything he grabs to go in his mouth for slobbering on. I just ordered him a cool teether from a WAHM on Facebook. I think it looks really easy to hold and babies love to chew on wooden toys. Here's her site if you want to check them out!
I am so ready for Russell to start sleeping better at night. Here we are at 4 months and the most sleep I've gotten in a row is 4 hours. . . and that was probably a month ago. I don't even remember! An example of our night is. . . . Russell asleep in crib at 8 pm. Wakes crying at 9, sleeps with daddy on couch til 10:30. Nurse, asleep in cosleeper (mini pack n play) in our bedroom at 11. Wake at 1:00 crying. Nurse, back to sleep in cosleeper at 1:30. Wake at 3:00- mommy gives up and lets him sleep next to me! Nurse, sleep, wake at 5:00 crying, daddy holds him, back to sleep at 5:20. Wakes at 6:00 am ready to nurse and start the day!
PHEW! I need a nap :) Good thing he's so darn cute.
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