Wednesday, October 26, 2011

9 months old

Here we are, October 26th, and Palmer is 9 months old! I don't have any pictures to share right now, but I guarantee with Halloween coming up Monday there will be plenty to look at soon :) Palmer is loving life lately and has a great time eating and playing. He has recently started eating Cheerios and it is so much fun to watch him do such a big boy thing! I put a few on his Bumbo tray and Palmer attacks them immediately, sometimes shoving his whole hand in his mouth to make sure the Cheerios make it in too. He has learned those sneaky little O's can stick to you, so he is careful to check both sides of his hand for any snacks that are hiding.

Finally tummy time isn't torture! Now when I lay Palmer on the floor to play, he is a little roly poly, rolling his way around to different toys. When he's on his belly he can't figure out how to move forward, but he rotates around in a circle pretty efficiently to get pointed in the right direction. Usually he gets the toy he wants, then rolls to his back to rest and play with whatever he found. I love watching him play on his own to see what he'll do or choose next. Last night the activity of choice was clacking two plastic blocks together.

Palmer goes to the doctor on Friday for his check-up and luckily the next round of shots isn't til his 12 mo visit- woohoo! I'll share his height and weight stats then. We are looking forward to Halloween next week and trying on the much anticipated elephant costume being sewed by my mom. I'm betting it will be pretty cute :)

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