Some of Tyler's extended family was in town last weekend and then I went on a 3 day trip to Fredericksburg with a few friends. It was hard to be away from Palmer for two nights, but I made it! I couldn't resist waking him up when I got home Wednesday night to snuggle a little. I am REALLY done with pumping for a while now. Phew! I think since I have so much in the freezer I'll just start thawing that for his rice cereal instead of pumping a little each morning. Good riddance Medela! (Though I do recommend the electric and manual ones I have.)
Palmer started a new unit of Kindermusik today and it was the most fun we've had at class yet! Even in this short 2 week hiatus he has changed so much and is even more into the other babies, instruments, and music. I love to see him smile and laugh at the other kids in the class- it's actually the same reaction he has to the cats at home. I get a little exercise there too, plus it makes me get dressed. I can't wait til the weather cools down so we can get out more during the day- Palmer loves a change in scenery!
Here is a picture of Palmer with a new favorite toy. . .
and looking like a big boy in the Bumbo!
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