Ok, it is HARD to keep up with baby milestones with baby #2! I was good for the first few months at writing in this little calendar we have for him, but I am now waaaaay behind at 9 months old. Forgive me Russell! I suppose facebook and this blog will have to suffice in the meantime til I get myself together- if ever :)
Our little sweetheart is just the happiest boy. He's awesome. Russell is an explorer, an EATER, and a giggler. He loves to shake things, bang on his highchair tray, and crawl around eating stray Cheerios off the floor (bad mommy!). He does this strange seal/inchworm crawl where he's mostly dragging with his arms, but partly pushing with his outward turned feet. If Palmer's driving his play truck around the house, Russell tries to keep up while I try to keep him from getting run over. Russell just started pulling up on things a few days ago. Hmm, there's been the windowsill, an overturned basket, his play table, and now the coffee table! With standing comes falling so we've had a few sad tearful episodes, but mostly he is just so proud of himself :).
Say what? |
Russell is making a few more noises lately- a kind of kkihhhh-kkihhhh hiss when he's really happy about something and a little bit of gagaga here and there. He is FINALLY SLEEPING! PRAISE THE LORD! If you've been around much for these 9 months you know I have been waiting and waiting for this. Life. Changing. The "new normal" is one feeding at 4 am, sleeping from 8-7. How awesome is that????? He sleeps with a paci and his dino lovey that he clings to so sweetly. My time rocking and feeding him is becoming more precious since I know it won't last much longer! This boy wants to be big like his brother.
Trying to be upset, but doing a poor job ;) |
Banana's are still his #1 food, followed closely by Cheerios or puffs, and then every other food is equally tied at #3. Yesterday he gobbled the green beans, the day before that was baked sweet potatoes, and today he scarfed a whole bunch of blueberries. I am now a big promoter of baby led weaning!! Giving him minimal amounts of pureed baby food and focusing more on soft solids has already made him such a less picky eater than his brother was at this age. (At 14 months, Palmer would have been happy to live on purees and rejected anything with texture!).
happy noise + banging on the highchair = having a great time |
Cheerio vacuum |
I can't believe I almost forgot his guitar! Russell's current favorite toy is a little plush guitar with a rattle inside. It goes with a baby "gym" thing that we haven't used because Palmer likes to body slam it with Russell underneath. Hmph. Anyway, some days he crawls around with the guitar for hours, stopping to sit every once in a while to give it a good shake and a big grin :) Love him.
To wrap things up, here are some more pics of the boys and a little about our other sweetie, Palmer!
Caught him! |
I think I put something on my head to get this smile. |
Palmer is getting so grown up. He is such a kind hearted little guy and loves to give kisses and hugs. He is talking up a storm (as long as people aren't around ;)) and will repeat himself over and over and over until he gets some confirmation from mommy, daddy, or whoever else is nearby. For example, we're in the car and see an 18 wheeler go through the light ahead. Him: "OHH, it da BIIIG trooouh" "It da BIIIIG trooouh" "It da BIIIG trooouh". Me: "Yes baby it's a BIG truck". Him: "Yeah."
There are a thousand other sweet and funny things he does, but those will have to wait for another day and another post. Time for me to go to bed!
Handsome boy loves his peanut butter crackers |
A photo miracle! |
This is not THE guitar, but still a good one |