I guess we're back to nighttime feedings! The last couple of nights he has been up sometime between 3 and 4 wanting to eat. We had a week and a half or so of sleeping almost through the night, but looks like he has had enough of that! I actually don't mind too much because I was having to get up and pump anyway. At least this way he wakes me up and I feed him and I don't wake up to the pain from him not eating! Breastfeeding is still going well and I'm SO happy that I didn't have any decrease in supply from going back on the pill.
Tyler's dad bought us a really nice glider and ottoman last weekend and I can just feed Palmer in his nursery during the night instead of lugging him into the bedroom and trying to sit up in bed. I can't believe we didn't realize how handy one of those would be! We moved the old school rocking chair into the living room and it's nice to have that option for daytime fussiness.
Suddenly I'm realizing that going back to school is getting pretty close! I have two more entire weeks and most of a third week left to spend with my baby before I go back. I'm glad it's a limited amount of time (just have to make it to summer!), but I still get a little anxious and sad when I think about missing all that time with him. I've been with him for probably 98% of his life so far and it is hard to think I'm going to be away from him for the majority of those 6 weeks I'm teaching. I'm going to miss him a lot, and it may be irrational, but I feel like he needs his mommy :(
Since evenings and weekends just aren't enough for us to spend together, I'm not teaching next school year. It will be nice to soak up all that precious time with Palmer while he's still so young! I'm going to miss seeing all my teacher friends every day but I want to be the #1 presence in my baby's life as long as I'm able to.