I just plain cannot believe that Russell is 6 months old. That means he is only 6 months away from his first birthday. CRAZY!!!!! He rolls over like a pro now and we can't hardly keep him on his back. He would
love to crawl and grab those awesome toys that are just out of reach, but I think it will still be a couple months :) Ever since getting over his car-phobia he is just the happiest baby! His brother demands quite a bit of attention so that's probably a good thing. Russell loves nursing, biting fingers, and watching Palmer play. He has had some baby oatmeal and a little bit of carrot puree, but I honestly haven't felt the urgency to start feeding him solids yet! I want to do some more research on baby led weaning and will probably do a combo of that with standard homemade baby food.
My sweet baby! Stop growing! |
Having fun as usual! |
It has been so fun cloth diapering Russell from birth. As you all know, I highly recommend it to anyone who asks!! Less waste, more cute, plus a hobby for mommy :) I read a quote once that said, "You don't wear paper underwear, why should your baby?". That makes sense to me! I have been slowly converting our mixed "stash" of pocket diapers/all-in-ones/prefolds/&covers, to all fitted diapers and wool. That means mostly natural fibers, which is nice. It's definitely an investment up front, but the resell value of high quality cloth diapering gear is really good. My favorite brands are Little Fancy Pants, Bumstoppers, Pianissimo Cloth, and Sustainablebabyish. If you see pics of the boys, it is highly likely they are wearing their wool shorties or longies from SBish (for short). We <3 p="" woolies="">3>